Pool Waiver – Homeowner Your relationship with the property? * Homeowner Renter First Name * Last Name * Address * This address is NOT in the Highgrove Community; please use the non-resident membership form to apply for a membership. Please utilize the autofill feature to find a matching address. Email * Phone * Is this your first pool season with Highgrove? * Yes No Key Card ID * Do you need a replacement or extra key card, max limit 2 per household. $10 will be added to your PayHOA account. * No Yes Additional people in Household? (all need to be listed to have access) * Yes No Additional People in Household (must reside at property). A minor is anyone under 18 Resident Name * Resident Name First First Last Last Type * AdultMinor Birth Date * plus1 Add minus1 Remove If you are human, leave this field blank. Next